Web Design Process

The web design process involves a series of steps that designers follow to create a website.


Will Yang



minute read

October 19, 2022

Every successful business has an articulable process for delivering goods/services. Our web design process helps clarify for you the start, middle, and end of a project.

1. Discovery

The discovery phase is the initial stage of the web design process where we gather information about the project requirements and objectives, the target audience, and the scope of the project. The purpose of the discovery phase is to understand your vision and goals for the website, and to establish the foundation for the design and development process.

2. Site Map

The site map phase is where we produce a visual representation of the structure and hierarchy of the website, indicating how pages and content will be grouped and related to each other. During this phase, we work to understand the content that will be on the website and how it will be organized. The outcome of the site map phase is a clear and organized blueprint of the website's structure and information architecture.

3. Wireframe

The wireframe phase is where we produce low-fidelity, black and white representations of your website pages that show the arrangement of elements such as text, images, and navigation. The purpose of the wireframe is to create a visual representation of the website's structure, without getting into the details of color, typography, or images. The outcome of the wireframe phase is a clear understanding of the website's layout and structure.

4. Prototype

The prototype phase is when we produce a more detailed and interactive version of the wireframes, including color, typography, images, and functionality. The purpose is to validate the design decisions made during the wireframe phase. The outcome of the prototyping phase is a working model of the website that can be tested and refined before the final design is created.

5. Final Design

In the final design phase, we work to refine the visual design of the website, including the color palette, typography, images, and other graphic elements. The purpose is to create a complete and functional website that meets the needs of your target audience and effectively communicates your brand message. The outcome of this phase is a fully functional website that is ready to be launched and made available to the public.